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Achuapa Squad

How many players are in Achuapa squad?

Achuapa squad has 30 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Ederson Ancízar Cabezas Quiñónez 2512Goalkeeper
2 Henry Orellana 3013Goalkeeper
3 Billy Emmanuel Pérez Sarceño 23Goalkeeper
4 José Eduardo Salazar Menéndez 345Defender
5 Randall Emerson Corado Ruano 216Defender
6 Carlos Mauricio Castrillo Alonzo 4016Defender
7 Sixto Ubaldo Betancourt Véliz 3319Defender
8 José Antonio Corado Rivera 2230Defender
9 Christopher Alejandro Cabral 3232Defender
10 Yeison Carabalí Uzuriaga 3288Defender
11 Kevin Alberto Navas Flores 228Midfielder
12 Kevyn Stuars Aguilar de León 2814Midfielder
13I. de León2721Midfielder
14 Tobit Mareano Vásquez Barrientos 3133Midfielder
15 Dennis Iván Ramírez Acuña 2442Midfielder
16 Víctor Alexis Matta Calderón 3591Midfielder
17K. Castillo2099Midfielder
18 Carlos Fernando Alvarado López 26Midfielder
19 Brandon de Jesús Bautista Medrano 20Midfielder
20 Jorge Escobar 34Midfielder
21C. LópezMidfielder
22 Antony Miguel Paredes González Midfielder
23L. SalazarMidfielder
24 Donaldo Obdulio Virula Rojas Midfielder
25 William Jehú Fajardo Montenegro 247Attacker
26 Agustín Maziero 289Attacker
27 Weimar Jesús Zuñiga Duque 3110Attacker
28 Erick Sánchez 2120Attacker
29 Anllel de Jesús Porras Cornejo 3523Attacker
30 Reniller Noeldi Arana Zepeda Attacker

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