AS Trencin
AS Trencin
Venue Name:
Mestský futbalový štadión Na Sihoti
Venue Address:
Mládežnícka 2313
Venue City:
Venue Capacity:
Venue Surface:
artificial turf
AS Trencin Squad
How many players are in AS Trencin squad?
AS Trencin squad has 31 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.
Name | Age | Jersey number | Position | |
1 | Luka Damjanović | 22 | 83 | Goalkeeper |
2 | Alex Húdok | 19 | 24 | Goalkeeper |
3 | Andrija Katić | 23 | 1 | Goalkeeper |
4 | Matúš Slavíček | 22 | 30 | Goalkeeper |
5 | Samuel Bagín | 21 | 2 | Defender |
6 | Loïc Anthony Bessilé | 26 | Defender | |
7 | Nikolas Brandis | 20 | Defender | |
8 | Jakub Holúbek | 34 | 12 | Defender |
9 | E. Kydyrshaev | Defender | ||
10 | Šimon Mičuda | 21 | Defender | |
11 | Hugo Pávek | 20 | 90 | Defender |
12 | Lukáš Skovajsa | 31 | 25 | Defender |
13 | Lazar Stojsavljević | 27 | 15 | Defender |
14 | Damián Bariš | 31 | 27 | Midfielder |
15 | Samir Ben Sallam | 24 | 42 | Midfielder |
16 | Taras Bondarenko | 33 | 14 | Midfielder |
17 | Adrian Fiala | 20 | 18 | Midfielder |
18 | Tadeáš Hájovský | 20 | 6 | Midfielder |
19 | Rash Rahim Ibrahim | 24 | 20 | Midfielder |
20 | Molik Jesse Khan | 21 | Midfielder | |
21 | Johnson Nsumoh Kalu | 21 | Midfielder | |
22 | Luis José Esteban Rojas Zamora | 22 | Midfielder | |
23 | Samuel Šefčík | 29 | 23 | Midfielder |
24 | Denis Adamkovič | 19 | 80 | Attacker |
25 | Emmanuel Chimeroucheya Uchegbu | 20 | 85 | Attacker |
26 | Pepijn Doesburg | 24 | Attacker | |
27 | Chinonso Emeka | 24 | 9 | Attacker |
28 | Lukáš Mikulaj | 20 | 21 | Attacker |
29 | Sani Suleiman | 19 | 77 | Attacker |
30 | Jude Cide Sunday | 21 | 7 | Attacker |
31 | Mustapha Yakubu | 20 | 8 | Attacker |