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Atlético Pulpileño





Venue Name:

Estadio San Miguel

Venue Address:

Av. los Escolares

Venue City:


Venue Capacity:


Venue Surface:

artificial turf

Atlético Pulpileño Squad

How many players are in Atlético Pulpileño squad?

Atlético Pulpileño squad has 25 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Cristian Arco Cabello 30Goalkeeper
2 Matías Germán Peirano Goalkeeper
3 Gastón Ezequiel Argüello 29Defender
4Francisco DíazDefender
5 Jordi César López Delgado 33Defender
6Luis Maestre SansanoDefender
7 Pedro Jesús Ramírez Soto 27Defender
8 Gabriel Jesús Ramos Acevedo 39Defender
9 Ángel Boluda Huéscar 21Midfielder
10 José Álvaro Cano Moreno 35Midfielder
11 Daniel Casado Garcia 23Midfielder
12 Gonzalo Facundo Ochoaizpur 29Midfielder
13 Mohamed Feriani Qamch Midfielder
14 Miguel Ángel González Dapeña 30Midfielder
15Hiago LópezMidfielder
16 Antonio Manuel Santiago Martínez 22Midfielder
17 Rafael Fernández Martínez 36Attacker
18 Antonio Jesús García Navas 25Attacker
19 Jose Antonio Haro Fernandez Attacker
20 Victor Manuel Haro Fernández Attacker
21 Cristo Martín Hernández 38Attacker
22 Francisco Javier Moreno López 26Attacker
23 Antonio José Piqueras Guzmán 25Attacker
24 Wilson Enrique Saldana Pico Attacker

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