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Atlético Tomelloso





Venue Name:

Estadio Municipal Paco Gálvez

Venue Address:

Avenida Don Antonio Huertas, 71

Venue City:


Venue Capacity:


Venue Surface:

artificial turf

Atlético Tomelloso Squad

How many players are in Atlético Tomelloso squad?

Atlético Tomelloso squad has 25 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Diego Cano Jiménez Goalkeeper
2 Jesús Monreal Hilario 27Goalkeeper
3 Juan Bodalo Vitoria Defender
4 Víctor Bonilla Rodríguez Defender
5 Yeison García Torres 24Defender
6 Dmitro Lonevsky Defender
7 Franco Ezequiel López Ferraro Defender
8 Alejandro López Murcia Defender
9 Hugo Martín Hernández Defender
10 Juan David Mutis González Defender
11 Iker Nova Ruiz Defender
12 Isaac Appiah 26Midfielder
13 Agustín Benito Jiménez 43Midfielder
14 Alejandro Casas Paños Midfielder
15 Raul Delgado Jambrena Midfielder
16 Marco Antonio García Bibiano Midfielder
17 Óscar Guijarro Rodríguez Midfielder
18 Joaquín Lobato Montaño Midfielder
19 Lorenzo Molinero Gallego 26Midfielder
20 Joaquin Navarro Menchen Midfielder
21 Rafael Carlos Arroyo Martinez 30Attacker
22 Mohammed Morrhadi Baroudi Attacker
23 Álvaro Pumareta González 23Attacker
24 David Sevilla Díaz Malaguilla 30Attacker
25 Deyvid Velizarov Marshaykov Attacker

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