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Austria W


Austria W





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Austria W Squad

How many players are in Austria W squad?

Austria W squad has 23 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1I. Kresche24Goalkeeper
2J. Pal27Goalkeeper
3 Manuela Zinsberger 28Goalkeeper
4C. D'Angelo19Defender
5C. Degen22Defender
6M. Georgieva26Defender
7V. Hanshaw29Defender
8V. Kirchberger30Defender
9K. Naschenweng25Defender
10K. Schiechtl28Defender
11B. Dunst25Midfielder
12L. Feiersinger30Midfielder
13 Marie-Therese Höbinger 22Midfielder
14J. Klein24Midfielder
15 Sarah Puntigam 30Midfielder
16L. Purtscheller19Midfielder
17A. Schasching21Midfielder
18C. Wenger22Midfielder
19S. Zadrazil30Midfielder
20N. Billa27Attacker
21E. Campbell22Attacker
22L. Kolb22Attacker
23V. Pinther24Attacker

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