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Austria W





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Austria W Squad

How many players are in Austria W squad?

Austria W squad has 25 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Mariella El Sherif 21Goalkeeper
2 Isabella Kresche 27Goalkeeper
3 Manuela Zinsberger 30Goalkeeper
4M. Croatto21Defender
5C. D'Angelo20Defender
6 Marina Georgieva 28Defender
7 Verena Hanshaw 31Defender
8V. Kirchberger30Defender
9J. Magerl20Defender
10 Barbara Martina Dunst 28Midfielder
11 Laura Feiersinger 30Midfielder
12 Julia Hickelsberger-Füller 26Midfielder
13S. Hillebrand21Midfielder
14 Marie-Therese Höbinger 24Midfielder
15V. Mädl17Midfielder
16N. Ojukwu20Midfielder
17 Sarah Puntigam 33Midfielder
18 Lilli Purtscheller 22Midfielder
19 Annabel Schasching 23Midfielder
20Y. Weilharter23Midfielder
21C. Wenger22Midfielder
22 Sarah Zadrazil 32Midfielder
23N. Billa27Attacker
24 Eileen Michelle Campbell 25Attacker
25 Viktoria Pinther 27Attacker

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