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Caldiero Terme




Venue Name:

Stadio Comunale di Caldiero

Venue Address:

Via Santi, 54

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Caldiero Terme Squad

How many players are in Caldiero Terme squad?

Caldiero Terme squad has 30 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Alessandro Giacomel 261Goalkeeper
2E. Vanti1712Goalkeeper
3G. Bertolazzi1727Goalkeeper
4 Gian Marco Crespi 2445Goalkeeper
5L. Aldegheri2191Goalkeeper
6 Carlo Pelagatti 3613Defender
7P. Gecchele2715Defender
8N. Baldani2423Defender
9N. Gobetti2024Defender
10 Ivo Molnar 3028Defender
11 Francesco Mazzolo 2333Defender
12R. Nessi2444Defender
13A. Beghini1875Defender
14 Gianluca Parodi 21Defender
15 Tommaso Gattoni 314Midfielder
16A. Filiciotto328Midfielder
17 Andrea Pelamatti 2014Midfielder
18Aiman Rihai2021Midfielder
19G. Mondini2426Midfielder
20E. Lanzi2029Midfielder
21 Silvio Antonio Squarzoni 2247Midfielder
22O. Cissè2085Midfielder
23L. Zerbato337Attacker
24 Luigi Caccavo 209Attacker
25N. Fasan2610Attacker
26 Tommaso Simone Marras 2011Attacker
27F. Ceriani1819Attacker
28 Mattia Florio 2120Attacker
29 Stefano Scappini 3690Attacker
30 Denis Cazzadori 2097Attacker

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