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Camp Poliesportiu Municipal Antonio Escuriet

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Camí del Pla, 19

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artificial turf

Castellonense Squad

How many players are in Castellonense squad?

Castellonense squad has 29 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Daniel Cerdà Gregorio 25Goalkeeper
2 Pablo Coronado Rubio 33Goalkeeper
3 David Ferrer Mulet Goalkeeper
4 Bryan Albert Díaz 29Defender
5 Carlos Badal Andani 26Defender
6 Marcos Castells Franco 32Defender
7 Jefrie Javier Flórez Valencia 32Defender
8 Ramsés Gil Morata 37Defender
9 Fidel Rey Sanchís Defender
10 Enrique José Sampedro Alcaraz 37Defender
11 Raúl Bonillo Agusti 28Midfielder
12 Nicolas Cabanes Carpio Midfielder
13 Jesús Prats Pausà Midfielder
14 Isaac Puig Contreras 31Midfielder
15 Josué Samper Compañy 27Midfielder
16 Joan Sanchis Alborch 22Midfielder
17 Luis Sancho Radoselovics Midfielder
18 Carlos Siscar Bergillo 32Midfielder
19 Alejandro Vaquero Lafuente 39Midfielder
20 Luis García García 30Attacker
21 Ferrán Giner Magraner 23Attacker
22 Germán Miguel Lidón Sánchez 24Attacker
23 Pablo Madrid Morales 23Attacker
24 Alberto Martínez Oca 35Attacker
25 Agustín Murillo Sala 23Attacker
26 Josep Presencia Sanchís 26Attacker
27 Jorge Revert Navarro 21Attacker
28 Daniele Spiranelli 36Attacker
29 Francisco Tomás Gómez 32Attacker

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