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El Porvenir


El Porvenir





Venue Name:

Estadio Gildo Francisco Ghersinich

Venue Address:

Blanco Encalada 400

Venue City:

Gerli, Provincia de Buenos Aires

Venue Capacity:


Venue Surface:


El Porvenir Squad

How many players are in El Porvenir squad?

El Porvenir squad has 31 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Franco Ezequiel Carretero Dávila 24Goalkeeper
2 Nicolás Marchesi 24Goalkeeper
3E. PortilloGoalkeeper
4 Darío Leonel Bolig 22Defender
5 Martín Busto 21Defender
6E. D´AngelisDefender
7J. MüllerDefender
8 Francisco Javier Peralta Salinas 35Defender
9 Juan Pablo Perrota Defender
10 Julián Quinteros 28Defender
11K. RomeroDefender
12F. RuízDefender
13 Lautaro Iván Sequeira 21Defender
14F. CoronelMidfielder
15 Leandro Rodrigo Kuszko 33Midfielder
16U. MacíasMidfielder
17 Brian Alejandro Pedreira 28Midfielder
18 Cristian Nicolás Sánchez Prette 38Midfielder
19 Matías Leonel Sarmiento 26Midfielder
20 Rodrigo Ernesto Soria 36Midfielder
21N. Vidal27Midfielder
22 Fabián Andrés Agudelo Baena 21Attacker
23M. AlvarengaAttacker
24 Lucas Daniel Carballo 27Attacker
25 Enzo Rubén Castro 22Attacker
26G. CoronelAttacker
27F. González MaquedaAttacker
28 Gabriel Maximiliano Maciel 38Attacker
29L. MiguensAttacker
30S. SosaAttacker
31 Gabriel Alejandro Urruchúa 21Attacker

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