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Ferro Carril Oeste LP





Venue Name:

Estadio Coloso de Barrio Talleres

Venue Address:

Calle 17 esq. 102, Barrio Talleres

Venue City:

General Pico, Provincia La Pampa

Venue Capacity:


Venue Surface:


Ferro Carril Oeste LP Squad

How many players are in Ferro Carril Oeste LP squad?

Ferro Carril Oeste LP squad has 37 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Francisco Javier Del Riego Flores 32Goalkeeper
2T. Muñoz24Goalkeeper
3J. Sequeira24Goalkeeper
4 Juan Daniel Cifuentes Vergara 26Defender
5 Emanuel Alejandro Del Bianco 28Defender
6 Agustín Fazzio 25Defender
7 Alejo Tomás Morales 25Defender
8 Maximiliano Hernán Paredes 34Defender
9 Federico Julián Peralta 24Defender
10M. Pérez30Defender
11 Nicolás Daniel Portillo 30Defender
12M. Zapata22Defender
13 Arón Rodrigo Agüero Giménez 23Midfielder
14 Mauro Stéfano Bottari 33Midfielder
15 Braian Tomás Cuello 24Midfielder
16J. Gianninetto25Midfielder
17Ignacio Elías González21Midfielder
18 Fernando David Luna 35Midfielder
19 Lucas Ángel Marciante 27Midfielder
20V. Mercado22Midfielder
21 Diego Jonathan Núñez 35Midfielder
22 Albano Fabrizio Orueta 21Midfielder
23 Albano Nicolás Orueta 21Midfielder
24 Luciano Esequiel Riveros Sosa 21Midfielder
25 Lucas Seimandi 32Midfielder
26D. Similán21Midfielder
27 Alex Sosa 26Midfielder
28 Gastón Alberto Torres 25Midfielder
29 Agustín Vasilchik 23Midfielder
30A. Zanoni24Midfielder
31I. Zuñiga22Midfielder
32B. Bartolomé21Attacker
33 Alexis Hernán Blanco 37Attacker
34 Ignacio David González Olivera 25Attacker
35A. Lecler21Attacker
36 Tomás Segovia 30Attacker
37 Diego Nahuel Sevillano Méndez 34Attacker

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