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Heredia Squad

How many players are in Heredia squad?

Heredia squad has 38 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1A. de León19Goalkeeper
2 Darwin Elí Méndez Suchité 26Goalkeeper
3 Hilton Orlando Moreira 44Goalkeeper
4José PérezGoalkeeper
5Edgar Eladio Solís Estrada49Goalkeeper
6Diego Henrique Campos Sardinha29Defender
7O. Segura27Defender
8 Melbin Obdulio Estrada Monzón 30Defender
9Manuel LópezDefender
10 Sander Iván López Leovin 27Defender
11 Ángel David Sanabria 32Defender
12 Javier Sinay 38Defender
13Carlos Roberto Barco Villeda29Midfielder
14A. Camacho20Midfielder
15 Julián Edgar Chacón Burgos 34Midfielder
16 Héctor Saúl de Matta Balan 36Midfielder
17 Clinsman O. Flores Midfielder
18I. GarcíaMidfielder
19 Freddy Alexander García Carrera 39Midfielder
20 Juan Carlos García Morataya 26Midfielder
21 Sergio Augusto Guevara González 43Midfielder
22Brayan Estuardo Guevara López21Midfielder
23 Rony Bartolomé Guzmán Torres 33Midfielder
24Ariel MoxesMidfielder
25 Edy Daniel Ortiz Cano 35Midfielder
26Blas Gilberto Ramírez Airias32Midfielder
27 Marco Alberto Raquec Molina 22Midfielder
28Jefferson SarceñoMidfielder
29 Kelvin Zabaleta Midfielder
30 Vincent Antonio Ardón Pérez 34Attacker
31A. Chinchilla21Attacker
32 Igor de Souza Pereira 32Attacker
33 Walter Abdiel Guzmán Payeras Attacker
34Miguel Ángel Linares Mirón25Attacker
35 José Ricardo Mendoza Aguirre 18Attacker
36Charly Norales BlancoAttacker
37 Erick Estuardo Ramos 32Attacker
38Arnol Arturo Ruano Pérez23Attacker

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