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Huracan Las Heras





Venue Name:

Estadio General San Martín

Venue Address:

Avenida Olascoaga 1456

Venue City:

Las Heras, Provincia de Mendoza

Venue Capacity:


Venue Surface:


Huracan Las Heras Squad

How many players are in Huracan Las Heras squad?

Huracan Las Heras squad has 31 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Juan Ignacio Acordino 31Goalkeeper
2 Cristian Roberto Aracena 38Goalkeeper
3R. Pacheco22Goalkeeper
4 Bautista Habib Aldunate Abboud 23Defender
5 Brian Ezequiel Alferez 27Defender
6 Nicolás Alejandro Alí 30Defender
7A. Barón29Defender
8 Nahir Ezequiel Bonacorso 32Defender
9 Rubén Darío Monges Figari 32Defender
10 Enzo Alejandro Montenegro 24Defender
11J. Villegas25Defender
12 Mauro Leandro Visaguirre Peñaranda 31Defender
13 Franco Nicolás Carrasco 30Midfielder
14 Marcolino Nahuel Alejandro Castro Zapata 25Midfielder
15 Fernando Oscar Cortés 30Midfielder
16 Emanuel Hernán Décimo Funes 32Midfielder
17 Matías Ezequiel Dieli 22Midfielder
18 Axel Gómez 20Midfielder
19 Tadeo Joaquín Marchiori 26Midfielder
20J. Pita23Midfielder
21L. Rossi22Midfielder
22 Nicolás Sandoval Ramírez 28Midfielder
23 Hernán Tifner 29Midfielder
24 Francisco Dardo Agost 27Attacker
25 Enzo Bruno Barrionuevo 20Attacker
26 Alejo Nahuel Blanco 27Attacker
27 Roberto Oscar Colucci 24Attacker
28 Leonardo Delgado 24Attacker
29 Lucas Darío López 21Attacker
30 Lucas Leonel Palma 22Attacker
31 Tomás Ricardo Rodrigo Silva 24Attacker

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