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Malacateco Squad

How many players are in Malacateco squad?

Malacateco squad has 30 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Alejandro Jair Peláez Correa 311Goalkeeper
2 Abel Guzman 2930Goalkeeper
3A. Pérez2177Goalkeeper
4 Christian Vargas Cortés 36Goalkeeper
5 Andy Jorge Luis Soto Arrecis 285Defender
6 Carlos Daniel Aguilar Morales 1915Defender
7 Víctor Guadalupe Torres Chávez 3016Defender
8 Raúl Fernando Calderón Hernández 3223Defender
9C. Chajaj2344Defender
10M. Chun2993Defender
11 Edgar Gabriel Alvarado Villatoro 22Defender
12 Julio Fernando García Ramírez 22Defender
13 Kevin Estuardo Ramírez Siguenza 238Midfielder
14 José Guillermo Ochoa de León 2410Midfielder
15 Wilson Ariel Godoy Gudiel 3812Midfielder
16 Jorge Alberto Sánchez Laparra 3414Midfielder
17 Roberto Carlos Meneses García 2917Midfielder
18 Anderson Estuardo Molina Carrillo 2119Midfielder
19A. Barrientos33Midfielder
20 Yunior Yuri Pérez Pérez 2443Midfielder
21 Sergio Armando Pérez 2266Midfielder
22 William Roberto Amaya Gordillo 2780Midfielder
23 Anderson Joselito Tobar Monterroso Midfielder
24 Cristian David Castillo Hernández 257Attacker
25 Nelson Alexander Andrade López 2511Attacker
26N. Cabrera2218Attacker
27 Mateo Alvarado Vicente 2520Attacker
28 Ángel Adán López Sandoval 2821Attacker
29 Emerson Alessandro Lopez Esquivel 2399Attacker
30 Diego Andrés Ramírez Duarte Attacker

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