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Municipal Limeño





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Estadio Dr. Ramón Flores Berríos

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Santa Rosa de Lima

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Municipal Limeño Squad

How many players are in Municipal Limeño squad?

Municipal Limeño squad has 26 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Joel Ignacio Almeida Huerta 34Goalkeeper
2 Rodrigo Alfredo Argueta Santos 38Goalkeeper
3 Cristopher David Beltrán Rauda 31Goalkeeper
4 Walter Eliseo Canales Guevara 29Defender
5 Elvis Dodany Claros López 25Defender
6 Fredy Ernesto Espinoza Cornejo 33Defender
7 Rubén Eduardo Marroquín Meléndez 33Defender
8 Kevin Noé Melara Mondragón 32Defender
9F. MoránDefender
10 Yordy Alexander Bonilla Aranda 27Midfielder
11 Elmer Alexis Bonilla Rubio 22Midfielder
12 Danis Alejandro Cruz Cerros 26Midfielder
13 Marvin Alexander Hernández Ramos 32Midfielder
14 Diego Josué Herrera Ventura 23Midfielder
15J. Martínez19Midfielder
16 Gerson Levi Mayén Villavicencio 36Midfielder
17W. MolinaMidfielder
18 Fernando Javier Perla 26Midfielder
19 Rudy Jesús Ramírez 24Midfielder
20J. Reyes20Midfielder
21 Jefferson Leonel Valladares Rivas 23Midfielder
22 Javier de Jesús Ferman Reyes 29Attacker
23N. García20Attacker
24 Matías Nicolás González 28Attacker
25 Sebastián Ignacio Julio Muñoz 29Attacker
26 Noel Antonio Rivera Santos 21Attacker

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