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Ried II




Venue Name:

Innviertel Arena

Venue Address:

Volksfestplatz 2

Venue City:

Ried Im Innkreis

Venue Capacity:


Venue Surface:


Ried II Squad

How many players are in Ried II squad?

Ried II squad has 34 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Christoph Angleitner 23Goalkeeper
2Benaja Marlon Frey17Goalkeeper
3 Simon Holzer 17Goalkeeper
4 Christian Lapsin 18Goalkeeper
5 Haris Mahmutovic 23Goalkeeper
6 Dominik Stöger 19Goalkeeper
7 Felix Rudolf Wimmer 27Goalkeeper
8 Manuel Burghart 19Defender
9Stefan Celic21Defender
10 Nzeusse Kongni Djaleu 18Defender
11Diogo Sanches20Defender
12 Alexander Mankowski 25Defender
13L. Nezic18Defender
14 Benjamin Sammer 20Defender
15 Philip Weissenbacher 20Defender
16 Nico Wiesinger 22Defender
17 Christoph Zotter 22Defender
18Fabian Lechner19Midfielder
19Felix Leodolter19Midfielder
20 Jakob Obernberger 20Midfielder
21L. Ondoa20Midfielder
22 Fabian Hubert Rossdorfer 20Midfielder
23C. Scholl18Midfielder
24 Mateo Zetic 20Midfielder
25Berat Akcay19Attacker
26P. Antić17Attacker
27D. Berger21Attacker
28 Joris Boguo 18Attacker
29 Nermin Mesic 19Attacker
30 Emil Purkovic 19Attacker
31 Hamza Samardzić 20Attacker
32 Roman Steinmann 22Attacker
33 Daniel Wimmer 20Attacker
34 Ben-Travis Wörndl 23Attacker

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