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Venue Name:

CDM Valdefierro

Venue Address:

Vía Lactea

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Venue Surface:

artificial turf

Valdefierro Squad

How many players are in Valdefierro squad?

Valdefierro squad has 20 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1Daniel Artero CorralesGoalkeeper
2Manuel Rosado GrandeGoalkeeper
3 Franco Ezequiel Gazzoni 25Defender
4Keinel José José AlcántaraDefender
5Marcos Martínez BergesDefender
6Eduardo Molina Marín30Defender
7 Diego Muñoz Baquero Defender
8 Adrián Refusta Andrés Defender
9Borja Sofi GutierrezDefender
10Alberto Isern AndrésMidfielder
11Diego Roldán LópezMidfielder
12 Jorge Sainz-Aja Sancho 20Midfielder
13Juan SanzMidfielder
14Carlos Serrano AlviraMidfielder
15Brian Torres TrigueroMidfielder
16Pablo Berrogain PascualAttacker
17Daniel García TorralbaAttacker
18 George Albert Roncea Attacker
19Diego Sánchez ArtigasAttacker
20Ivan Urquizo RubioAttacker

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