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Villa Mitre





Venue Name:

Estadio El Fortín

Venue Address:

Avenida Maipú y Necochea

Venue City:

Bahía Blanca, Provincia de Buenos Aires

Venue Capacity:


Venue Surface:


Villa Mitre Squad

How many players are in Villa Mitre squad?

Villa Mitre squad has 31 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Luciano Vicente Molini 37Goalkeeper
2D. Rodríguez29Goalkeeper
3 Facundo Javier Tavolieri 32Goalkeeper
4 Valentín Ignacio Valdez 22Goalkeeper
5 Fabián Marcelo Dauwalder 34Defender
6 Leandro Esteban Hertel 29Defender
7 Nicolás Hernán Ihitz 30Defender
8 Víctor Enrique Manchafico 39Defender
9 Federico Mancinelli 43Defender
10 Facundo Mucignat 26Defender
11B. Segovia26Defender
12 Federico Iván Tanner 29Defender
13 Santiago Villalba 26Defender
14 Lucas Gonzalo Abadie 26Midfielder
15 Carlos Ezequiel Ávila 31Midfielder
16 Agustín Nicolás Cocciarini 34Midfielder
17 Daniel Facundo Fabello 36Midfielder
18 Enzo González Gatica 30Midfielder
19 Maximiliano Alejandro López 32Midfielder
20L. Miramonte26Midfielder
21 Joaquín Ignacio Parra 29Midfielder
22 Jorge Eszequiel Rojas 21Midfielder
23 Franco Schiavoni 32Midfielder
24 Ezequiel Adrián Cérica 39Attacker
25 Gabriel Alejandro Jara 30Attacker
26 Sebastián Adrián Jeldres 30Attacker
27 Javier Peñaloza 26Attacker
28 Thiago Pérez Castillo 25Attacker
29 Fernando Pettineroli 30Attacker
30 Federico Nicolás Pinedo 22Attacker
31 Joaquín Vivani 30Attacker

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