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Yaracuyanos FC





Venue Name:

Estadio Olímpico Florentino Oropeza

Venue Address:

Avenida Alberto Ravell

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San Felipe

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Yaracuyanos FC Squad

How many players are in Yaracuyanos FC squad?

Yaracuyanos FC squad has 33 players. The players are as listed below with their name, age, jersey number and position.

NameAgeJersey numberPosition
1 Yosmel Daniel Gil Rodríguez 241Goalkeeper
2 Denilson Antonio Ojeda Salazar 2431Goalkeeper
3B. Morales232Defender
4M. Labranche183Defender
5 Ottoniel José Medina Medina 264Defender
6M. Cañón2414Defender
7J. Córdoba1919Defender
8 Janer Alexis Ordóñez Cuero 2824Defender
9J. Cifuentes21Defender
10D. Ibarguen20Defender
11S. Hernández205Midfielder
12 Cristhian Alexander Mendoza Pineda 236Midfielder
13 Jesús Daniel Chacón Martínez 248Midfielder
14 José Francisco Torres Mendoza 3210Midfielder
15K. Palacios2315Midfielder
16E. Ordóñez2020Midfielder
17M. Castro2521Midfielder
18 Samuel Arturo Machado Churión 2223Midfielder
19K. Perez2190Midfielder
20N. Castañeda27Midfielder
21 Cristian Enrique Cruz Meleán 23Midfielder
22 Santiago Dudu Garzón Pérez 21Midfielder
23 Yanier José Antonio Rodríguez Tellechea 21Midfielder
24J. Pérez279Attacker
25 Edwin Duvan Rodríguez Quiñones 2111Attacker
26 Denny Stibenson Herrera Guillén 3016Attacker
27J. Cuero2118Attacker
28 Maike Julio Villero Fariñez 2430Attacker
29Víctor Alfonzo Viez Mérida2699Attacker
30 Willimger Alejandro Castillo Ángel 28Attacker
31 Kevin Raphael Diaz 23Attacker
32 Roibert Alexander Hernández Sánchez 21Attacker
33J. Peña28Attacker

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